Samla Apartment Fund
The investment strategy of Samla Asunnot Ky (Samla Apartment Fund) is to invest in rental apartments in growth centres.
The investment strategy of Samla Asunnot Ky (Samla Apartment Fund) is to invest in rental apartments in growth centres.
Samla Apartment Fund
Cumulative Total Return
IRR, Internal Rate of Return
Lauluväljaku was completed in 2021 in one of Tallinn’s most prestigious residential areas. Samla owns 15 apartments in this location.
Location Pirita tee 26B, Tallinna
Completion year 2021
Apartments 15
Samla Asunnot Ky owns 15 apartments in Uusveerenn, Tallinn. Quality apartments are located in beautiful surroundings, right next to the heart of Tallinn.
Location Tallinn Centre
Completion year 2020
Apartments 15
Lehtisaaren Torni is a 30-apartment property in Lehtisaari, Helsinki. Lehtisaaren Torni is inspired by early 20th century’s ambitious architecture and quality standards – beauty that lasts and a home for the next hundred years.
Location Papinpöydänkuja 1, Lehtisaari, Helsinki
Completion year 2022
Apartments 30
Luja apartments are located in Etelätulli, Oulu, a stone’s throw away from the services of the city centre. Limingantulli’s numerous specialty stores, cafes and hypermarket are almost at your doorstep. Asunto Oy Oulun Figaro is a 6-storey apartment building. Samla Asunnot Ky owns ten of the building’s 70 apartments.
Location Rautionkatu 14, Oulu
Completion year 2019
Apartments 10
Pihavaahtera’s cosy 2-storey townhouses offer a practical framework for today’s busy life. The three-house complex hides a sheltered and peaceful courtyard with its own playground for children. The townhouses built in the 90s have been regularly maintained and renovated.
Location Koulutie 5, 15860 Hollola
Completion year 1993
Apartments 15
As Oy Kouvolan Kurjenmiekka consists of 35 apartments on 3 floors. The Kurjenmiekka property is located near transport connections and within walking distance of downtown stores and sports facilities. The different apartment sizes offer homes for peaceful independent living or busy family life.
Location Kauppalankatu 36, 45100 Kouvola
Completion year 1956
Renovated 1992
Apartments 35
As Oy Viikinjoutsen is located in a peaceful location near the Viikki Manor, Pappila and Pyhäjärvi. The distance from the culturally and historically prestigious area to Nokia city centre and its services is only two kilometres. Tampere city centre is also less than 20 minutes away by car.
Viikinjoutsen fulfils your dreams about more spacious living. The good design of the apartments is evidenced by the user-friendly spaces and carefully selected surface materials and furniture.
Location Valborginkatu, Nokia
Completion year 2018
Apartments 4
Hämeenlinnan Leppälintu comprises 30 apartments in Hämeenlinna. Leppälintu is located near goodtransport connections to services and offers apartments in six floors.
Location Katumantie 28, 13250 Hämeenlinna
Completion year 1977
Apartments 30
The Espoon Kotimaisema detached houses are located in a peaceful residential area on Lavaniityntie. The peaceful Kotimaisema environment, easy form of housing and short distance to Helsinki offer comfortable living right in the heart of Southern Finland. Samla Asunnot has a total of four apartments in Kotimaisema.
Location Lavaniityntie, Espoo
Completion year 2018
Apartments 4
As Oy Pesäpuu features full-service apartments near Old Nummela. The new Pesäpuu apartments use space efficiently and are located within walking distance of Nummela’s services.
Location Pesäpuunkuja 3, 03100 Vihti
Completion year 2018
Apartments 4
Tampereen Käenpiika consists of five 2-3-storey newly renovated small apartment buildings. A cosy, natural environment, nearby basic services, as well as the Tampere city centre that is six kilometres away offer comfortable living for both couples and families.
Location Ketunleivänkatu 4, 33840 Tampere
Completion year 1991
Renovated 2012-2013
Apartments 48
Nokian Ketunleipä is a 30 apartment complex in the Ruskeepää- Koskenmäki area. A nice, peaceful location, yet close to services and the Nokia city centre, offers its residents a cosy and smooth everyday life.
Location Orelinkatu 51, Nokia
Purchase date 4.10.2017
Surface area 1621,52 m2
Jyväskylän Mäntyniemi has a great location near Päijänne in Nenäinniemi. It is a 4 small apartment building complex, in which Samla Asunnot has 17 apartments. The beautiful location ensures meaningful living for the Mäntyniemi residents.
Location Mäntyniementie 15 – 19, Jyväskylä
Purchase date 29.9.2017
Surface area 1297,5 m2
As Oy Hämeenlinnan Oravisammal is located on its own scenic plot and consists of 15 nice size two-room apartments. The site has been renovated with a purpose, and the property is in good condition.
Location Katumantie 33, Hämeenlinna
Purchase date 31.3.2017
Surface area 810 m2
Rauman Eemeli was built in a nice location near the Rauma city centre. The nearby lake is within comfortable walking distance. It’s a nice place to take a break from everyday life. Eemeli combines a good location, services that make everyday life easier and standard living.
Location Kasvitarhanpolku 7, Rauma
Purchase date 31.5.2017
Surface area 1895 m2
The Hotel Maria consists of four properties located on Mariankatu and Liisankatu in Kruunuhaka, Helsinki. The historic buildings houses an international high-class hotel.
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